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Retreats are a hallmark of the Marist experience and often noted by alumni as being among the most memorable parts of their Marist education. Students have multiple opportunities to participate in retreats at each grade level. All retreats are led by fellow students who are carefully selected and trained by faculty members to provide a fulfilling and enjoyable experience for students to deepen their connection with God. 

Damascus (7th Grade)

Damascus is offered on campus on a Saturday in the fall. This retreat is led by 11th and 12th graders and features community-building activities, small group faith-sharing, and communal prayer experiences. Families are invited to the closing Mass.

Nazareth (10th Grade)

Nazareth is an overnight, off-site retreat offered twice a year. This retreat is led by 11th grade students who share their faith journey. Participants reflect on how discipleship impacts their relationships with others.

Antioch (8th Grade)

Antioch is offered on campus on a Saturday in January. The daylong retreat prepares students for the ups and downs of high school and challenges students to commit to Marist values.  

Galilee (11th Grade)

Galilee is an overnight, urban retreat held in February. Senior leaders ask juniors to consider how God is calling them as they participate in community service, individual reflection, and small group activities.


Genesis (9th Grade)

Genesis is an overnight, off-campus retreat, which is led by 10th grade students who lead small group discussions and activities for participants to grow in their relationships with self, family, friends, and God.  

Emmaus (11th & 12th Grade)

Emmaus is a weekend retreat offered in October, January, February, and May (for seniors who have experienced Emmaus previously). An extension of the Emmaus experience is a faith-sharing meeting on the first Monday of each month.