Business, Computer Science, & Engineering

Tools for Success

Marist students will understand the unique value of technology as a tool to explore and to serve our complex world. They will employ appropriate technologies and business practices to research information, to solve problems, and to examine concepts in a manner that is compatible with the moral and ethical teachings of Marist School and the Catholic faith. Additionally, the Marist Business and Technology student will demonstrate leadership, enthusiasm, self-reliance, and original thought.


List of 21 items.

  • Introduction to Technology (BC100: Grade 7)

    This project-based course introduces students to productivity software of common office application suites as they begin their Marist academic careers. With emphasis placed on keyboarding technique, speed, and accuracy, students work with these programs to develop touch-typing, customize webpages, model proper electronic communication, and hone presentation skills. Additionally, students learn essential file management and organizational skills needed to stay ahead of the game and function efficiently in their Marist coursework.

    Either Introduction to Technology (BC100) or 7th Grade Robotics (BC105) required of all 7th grade students.
  • 7th Grade Robotics (BC105: Grade 7)

    This course’s purpose is to introduce computational thinking skills through the manipulation of text, graphics, sound, and movement with a focus on design thinking and applications to robotic systems. The class will introduce digital imaging, file and information management, 3D design with OnShape and SketchUp, engineering principles, and programming in Java. The course will also reinforce communication skills and fluency with desktop publishing and productivity software with common office applications. In addition, students will follow the FIRST Tech Challenge curriculum to design, build, and compete in the FIRST Tech Challenge robotics competition for which there are fees for equipment and tournaments.

    This class provides an option in lieu of Introduction to Technology (BC100) for 7th grade students. Students can take 7th grade Robotics (BC105) in 7th Grade and then Computational Design (BC125) in 8th grade.

    Either Introduction to Technology (BC100) or 7th Grade Robotics (BC105) required of all 7th grade students.
  • Computational Media (BC115: Grades 8)

    This course’s purpose is to introduce computational thinking skills through the manipulation of text, graphics, sound, and movement. The class will introduce digital imaging, file and information management, audio processing, Web 2.0 tools and web-design, and 3D design. Computational Media also will allow students to explore concepts and habits of programming in a variety of media environments.  Java programming concepts of commands, methods, iteration, and conditionals will be included in the curriculum alongside programming for graphics and animation. The general aim is to use digital technology to create with text, images, sound, and movement. The course will incorporate new tools where appropriate to reach its objectives of shaping creative computational thinkers and motivate students to pursue further coursework.

    Either Computational Media (BC115) or 8th Grade Robotics (BC125) required for 8th grade students.
  • 8th Grade Robotics (BC125: Grade 8)

    This course’s purpose is to introduce computational thinking skills through the manipulation of text, graphics, sound, and movement with a focus on design thinking and applications to robotic systems. The class will introduce digital imaging, file and information management, graphic design, 3D design, engineering principles, and programming with Java.  In addition, students in the course will follow the First Tech Challenge curriculum to design, build, and compete in the FIRST Tech Challenge robotics competition. Students in this class will participate with Marist’s First Tech Challenge Robotics Team for which there are fees for equipment and tournaments.

    Prerequisite: Introduction to Technology (BC100) or 7th Grade Robotics (BC105)
  • Computational Media (BC135: Grades 9-12)

    This course’s purpose is to introduce computational thinking skills through the manipulation of text, graphics, sound, and movement. The class will introduce digital imaging, file and information management, audio processing, Web 2.0 tools and web-design, and 3D design. Computational Media also will allow students to explore concepts and habits of programming in a variety of media environments. Java programming concepts of commands, methods, iteration, and conditionals will be included in the curriculum alongside programming for graphics and animation. The general aim is to use digital technology to create with text, images, sound, and movement. The course will incorporate new tools where appropriate to reach its objectives of shaping creative computational thinkers and motivate students to pursue further coursework.

    Either Computational Media (BC135), Programming in Java (BC145), or Robotics & Engineering (BC165) required for new students for graduation.
  • Programming in Java (BC145: Grades 9-12)

    This one term course will cover the elements of the Java Programming Language. Java is used in Robotics, Industry, University, and the AP Computer Science Curriculum. The course will cover the syntax of Java, data types, control structures, conditional statements, methods, Java Graphics, and Object Orientated programming. Students will work with the concept of algorithm and will implement core algorithms in Java related to processing data such as searching, shirting, sorting, partitioning, and pattern matching. The goal is to prepare students for Computer Science study and provide a foundation of skills and knowledge so students can apply programming to education, arts, and professional projects.
    Either Computational Media (BC135), Programming in Java (BC145), or Robotics & Engineering (BC165) are required for graduation.

    Prerequisites: none
  • Robotics and Engineering I (BC165: Grades 9–12)

    This course is designed as an introduction to robotics and engineering concepts: motion-path planning, physics of robotics systems, vectors of force, and computer-aided design (CAD). The course integrates science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) topics. Students will study the physics involved in large-scale robot design. The course will rely heavily on active labs to build and test robotic systems, use CAD software to create designs, and develop software for robotic machines. Opportunities for simple introduction to some programming also exist during the course. In addition, students in the course will follow the First Tech Challenge curriculum to design, build, and compete in the FIRST Tech Challenge robotics competition. Students in this class will participate with Marist’s First Tech Challenge Robotics Team for which there are fees for equipment and tournaments.

    Either Computational Media (BC135), Programming in Java (BC145), or Robotics & Engineering (BC165) is required for new students for graduation.
  • Robotics and Engineering II (BC270: Grades 9-12)

    This course is designed as a continuation of robotics and engineering concepts: motion-path planning, physics of robotics systems, vectors of force, and computer-aided design (CAD). The course integrates science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) topics. Students will study the physics involved in large-scale robot design. The course will rely heavily on active labs to build and test robotic systems, use CAD software to create designs, and develop software for robotic machines. Java programming concepts of Strings, Arrays, 2D Arrays, Functions, and Class design will be included in the curriculum. In addition, students in the course will follow the First Tech Challenge curriculum to design, build, and compete in the FIRST Tech Challenge robotics competition. Students in this class will participate with Marist’s First Tech Challenge Robotics Team for which there are fees for equipment and tournaments. 

    Prerequisites: 8th Grade Robotics (BC125) or Robotics and Engineering I (BC165).
  • Robotics and Engineering III (BC375: Grades 9-12)

    This course is designed as a continuation of robotics and engineering concepts: motion-path planning, physics of robotics systems, vectors of force, and computer-aided design (CAD). The course integrates science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) topics. Students will study the physics involved in large-scale robot design. The course will rely heavily on active labs to build and test robotic systems, use CAD software to create designs, and develop software for robotic machines. Software design in Java will include file input/output problems, class design, applications of the derivative, integral, limit, vectors, and kinematics in software modeling. In addition, students in the course will follow the First Tech Challenge curriculum to design, build, and compete in the FIRST Tech Challenge robotics competition. Students in this class will participate with Marist’s First Tech Challenge Robotics Team for which there are fees for equipment and tournaments.

    Prerequisites: Robotics and Engineering II (BC270) or AP Computer Science (BC490).
  • Financial Management (BC230: Grades 11-12)

    This course prepares students for independent living and financial well-being in modern-day society. Students explore a wide range of topics that are often overlooked in other classroom settings. Topics related to employment skills (resumes, cover letters, job interviews, etc.), goal setting, public speaking, car buying/leasing, banking, investing, budgeting, income taxes, student loans, credit cards, home buying/renting, workplace ethics, and retirement planning are discussed in this class. Students compete in a virtual stock market challenge based on real-time market results. 

    Prerequisite: Any BCE 100-level course. Enrollment priority is given to seniors.
  • New Media Design & Production (BC240: Grades 9-12)

    This course explores, through hands-on production and experimentation, what makes “new media” new: what distinguishes it from traditional forms like books, movies, and radio; how digital technologies have changed the ways we make and consume media; and what makes the new modes of expression they have made possible compelling. Students will “remix” existing audiovisual works using video editing software; produce podcasts using professional-grade audio equipment at Marist’s audio production lab; design media-rich, geospatial mapping; create text-based video games; and construct compelling data visualizations and infographics.

    Prerequisite: Any BCE 100-level course.
  • Marketing and Entrepreneurship (BC250: Grades 9-12)

    This course introduces students to various marketing concepts and the many challenges faced when running a business. Students cover a wide range of topics including the 4 Ps of marketing (product, price, place, promotion), SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis, target markets, marketing research, market segmentation, business ethics, product life cycles, public speaking, and much more. Students will design and create their own product labels, slogans, and websites as they put entrepreneurial skills to use. Learn how to survive in an ever-changing and competitive business world and prepare for your future with this marketing-based class.

    Prerequisite: Any BCE 100-level course.
  • Accounting 1 (BC260: Grades 11-12)

    This course is designed to introduce the accounting cycle, including the accounting equation, debits and credits, journal entries, ledgers, and the preparation of financial statements. A goal of this course is to provide students with a real-world, example-driven understanding of accounting and an appreciation of accounting’s role in business and current events. The 2008 financial market meltdown, interest and investing, and bank reconciliations are also covered. The class will make extensive use of Microsoft Excel, with a focus on customization options, dates, formulas, absolute references, formatting, and tips for improving efficiency.

    Prerequisite: Any BCE 100-level course. Enrollment priority is given to seniors.
  • Computer Animation and Game Design (BC355: Grades 9-12)

    This course teaches the mathematical and computational techniques that underlie the creation, encoding, display, and animation of computer-generated graphics. Programmatic techniques for translation, rotation, and scaling computer images will apply geometry and trigonometry concepts in a visual and real-time medium. Animation techniques using frame and canvas-based painting and "in-betweening" will extend the drawing of 2D and 3D images. Programmatic techniques of random background generation will be explored. 3D image creation and rendering will employ the use of mesh, texture, lighting, and perspective. This class will use the Java programming language, Blender 3D software, and AutoDesk Maya Software.

    Prerequisite: Any BCE 100-level course.
  • Electronics I (BC360: Grades 9–12)

    This course is designed as an introduction to electrical engineering concepts: circuit design, electronics, Boolean algebra, digital mathematics, and microprocessor design. The course integrates science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) topics. Students will study the physics involved in electronic circuitry and will use Boolean algebra to design logic circuits. The course will rely heavily on active labs to build and test electronic components, employ logic simulators and software to design and test simple circuits, and design and build simple robotics structures. Opportunities for simple introduction to some programming also exist during the course.

    Prerequisite: Any BCE 100-level course.
  • Advanced Robotics and Engineering: FIRST Robotics Competition (BC380: Grades 10-12)

    This project-based course applies the principles of design, manufacturing, software engineering, and project management in conjunction with building industrial robotic systems to compete in the FIRST Robotics Competition for which there are fees for equipment and tournaments. Statics, dynamics, electrical engineering, budgeting, project management, marketing, and software design will be addressed during the course.

    Prerequisite/Co-requisite: Robotics and Engineering I (BC165) or Electronics 1 (BC360). Membership in the Marist School Robotics Team. Permission of the instructor is required.
  • Advanced Data Structures & Algorithms (BC470: Grades 11-12)

    This course is designed to follow AP Computer Science and extend programming knowledge. It will draw heavily from graph theory and related discrete mathematics topics. Advanced data structures (including trees, linked-lists, stacks, queues, maps, sets, and hash tables) will be introduced and multiple methods of constructing and maintaining them will be compared and contrasted. Through case studies and lab activities, the data structures and algorithms will be applied to encryption, compression, scheduling, and computational pattern recognition, among other advanced and current topics.

    Prerequisite: AP Computer Science (BC460) or Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence (BC475) is strongly recommended. Permission of the instructor is required.
  • Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence (BC475; Grades 10-12)

    This course teaches the computational techniques for perception and analysis of computer vision and sound. Algorithms for artificial intelligence also will be explored. Topics include the Open Computer Vision toolset, Image Sonification, and Music Information Retrieval. The course will feature modules in computer vision and sound followed by a culminating project.

    Offered every other year in rotation with Computational Photography and Visual Effects (BC480).

    Prerequisite: Programming in Java (BC145) or AP Computer Science (BC490).
  • Computational Photography and Visual Effects (BC480: Grades 10-12)

    Topics include the Open Computer Vision toolset, Python Programming Language, digital photography, and computational techniques for image and movie editing. Course will feature modules in computer vision, visual effects, and movie industry examples followed by a culminating project.

    Offered every other year in rotation with Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence (BC475).

    Prerequisites/Co-requisites: Programming in Java (BC145) and/or AP Computer Science (BC490)
  • AP Computer Science (BC490: Grades 10-12)

    AP Computer Science (APCS) is equivalent to a first-semester, college-level course in computer science. This three-term course is a study of the fundamental concepts of computer science with major emphasis on problem-solving, programming methodology, algorithms, and data structures. Topics covered in this course include one- and two-dimensional arrays, data structures (including trees, linked-lists, stacks, queues, maps and sets, and other abstract data types), algorithms, analysis of algorithms, and object-oriented programming (OOP).

    APCS examines the efficiency of different searching and sorting algorithms and investigates the use of recursive thinking to solve challenging problems, including the generation of Fractals. Whenever possible, applications to other subject areas are explored and the students exposed to advanced topics such as artificial intelligence, computer architecture, discrete mathematics, and simulations.

    The Advanced Placement (AP) Examination is required in May (fee to be announced annually).

    Prerequisite: Programming in Java (BC145) or Computational Media (BC135) or Robotics I (BC165).  Permission of the instructor is required.
  • Seminar: Advanced Topics in Computer Science and Technology (BC551: Grades 11-12)

    This course is designed for advanced students in computer science and technology who have demonstrated accelerated abilities with programming coursework. Students who enroll in this course should have a desire to complete a large-scale project and should be willing and able to work independently to pursue the defined project. The course allows for the study of topics that form a challenging and exciting part of programming and computer science studies, but do not appear elsewhere in the school curriculum. Students will be required to complete a final project and to formally document their research, designs, and progress throughout the term. The specific topics covered will be approved by the instructor and the nature of the project will be defined by the teacher, drawing heavily from student objectives and interests. Work in this course comes from some of the following categories: Artificial Intelligence and Heuristics, Numerical Analysis, Simulations, Graph Theory, Networking, Fractal Theory, 3D Graphics, Honors GUI (Graphical User Interface), App Development, Robotics, Electronics, Game Design, and/or Multimedia.

    An elective course open to students who have completed AP Computer Science, or who have shown outstanding performance in related electives.

    Permission of the instructor is required.

Business, Computer Science, & Engineering Department

List of 3 members.

  • Photo of Christopher Michaud

    Mr. Christopher Michaud 

    Teacher: Computer Science, Design, and Engineering
  • Photo of Reinald Yoder

    Mr.  Reinald Yoder 

    Computer Science and Programming Teacher
  • Photo of Jim Showfety

    Mr. Jim Showfety 

Marist School

3790 Ashford Dunwoody Road, NE
Atlanta, GA 30319-1899
(770) 457-7201
An Independent Catholic School of the Marist Fathers and Brothers