Mission and Philosophy

Mission of Marist School

Marist School forms the whole person in the image of Christ through instruction grounded in religious values, the teachings of the Catholic Church, and the spirit of the Society of Mary. This mission is advanced through communal pursuit of excellence in academic, religious, extracurricular, leadership, and service programs.

Philosophy of Marist School

The unique mission of Marist School to form the whole person in the image of Christ is created by blending three distinct traditions: the pursuit of academic excellence, the heritage of Catholic education, and the spirit of the Society of Mary.

As an academic community, Marist School maintains excellence in teaching and high expectations for learning in an environment that values scholarship and achievement. Marist offers its students a curriculum that cultivates extensive knowledge and academic skills, intellectual acumen, formation of character, aesthetic appreciation, and physical well-being in order to prepare them for college studies, civic leadership, and the lifelong pursuit of truth, goodness, and beauty.

As a Catholic school, Marist is guided by the educational mission and doctrinal teaching of the Catholic Church. Respecting religious diversity, Marist welcomes a significant number of students from other traditions. Through formal instruction, common worship, and religious activities, Marist assists students in forming their consciences by emphasizing the dignity and integrity of the individual, the primacy of transcendent values and Jesus' call to love and serve others, especially the poor.

As a Marist institution, Marist School is enlivened by the spirit of the Society of Mary. It strives to create a caring and concerned family; to befriend and show confidence in young people while maintaining high expectations for their conduct; to develop among students a close personal relationship with God and the habit of prayer; to nurture a community that fosters hospitality, generosity, and responsible stewardship in students from all socio-economic and cultural backgrounds; and to foster a concern for those who are often forgotten or neglected by society.

Since 1901, Marist School has cherished these three traditions as the root and foundation of its mission. Now in its second century of service to Atlanta, Marist is dedicated to being faithful to its past while actively meeting the challenges of the future.

Diversity Statement

Marist School seeks to foster a community of inclusion that respects the dignity of the individual in the areas of age, gender, religion, ability, socioeconomic status, race, ethnicity, culture, and sexual orientation. This obligation to build a community of inclusion is based on sacred Scripture, the teachings of the Catholic Church, and the spirit and traditions of the Society of Mary. All members of the Marist School community are responsible for advancing an understanding of and a respect for diversity.

Click here for a guide to understanding Marist's diversity statement.

Marist School

3790 Ashford Dunwoody Road, NE
Atlanta, GA 30319-1899
(770) 457-7201
An Independent Catholic School of the Marist Fathers and Brothers