
An Exploration of Reading and Writing

Critical thinking, imagination, and guided exploration of literary works and genres will comprise the foundation for learning in the Marist English Department. Students will demonstrate a precise understanding of writing as a process involving conception, reflection, support, and revision. Through vocabulary and writing instruction, students will refine and expand their use of language. Students will use discussion as a means of individual expression through which they will raise and critically examine issues pertinent to their intellectual, spiritual, and psychological development.


List of 20 items.

  • English 7 (EN101: Grade 7)

    This three-term course emphasizes basic skills of grammar, paragraph development, vocabulary enrichment, and the study of literature. Students learn to analyze the parts of a sentence and to demonstrate standard grammar usage in their own compositions. The course includes frequent compositions and writing various paragraphs. In the area of literature, students will study short stories, poetry, drama, and several novels, applying the concepts they learn to their own writing. A structured vocabulary program is included as part of this course.
  • English 8 (EN201: Grade 8)

    This three-term course is a continuation of the development of basic skills begun in the 7th grade, including the study of grammar, paragraph development, vocabulary enrichment, and the study of literature. Upon completion of the 8th grade course, the student should be well-versed in the structure and proper usage of the English language. In addition, reading and interpreting skills are developed through the study of a wide range of literary works. The ability to communicate through both the written and spoken word is stressed. A structured vocabulary program is included as part of this course.
  • English 9 (EN301: Grade 9)

    This three-term course is designed to reinforce concepts learned earlier and advance students’ mastery of these concepts to prepare them for upper-level courses. Genres studies include short stories, novels, drama and poetry. Continued emphasis on vocabulary development, utilization of library skills, composition skill development through the study of structure and technique, and the writing of journal entries, essays, and a research paper are major components of this year’s study.
  • American Literature and Composition (EN401: Grade 10)

    This three-term course integrates the study of literature and the practice of writing. Building on reading and writing skills developed in the ninth grade, students concentrate on style and focused development of essays, including a major research paper. The course identifies and explores aspects of American identity through critical analysis of a wide variety of  literary works incorporating a diversity of genres and voices. Students learn to read closely and critically and begin to incorporate theory and literary criticism in their work. Vocabulary development and outside reading also are components of this course.
  • Honors American Experiment (EN404: Grade 10)

    This American Studies course bridges the distinct but complementary subjects of American History and American Literature. While fulfilling the United States History and American Literature requirements for graduation, the course will involve complex cultural analysis, historical interpretation, and significant writing. This is a co-taught course (one English teacher and one History teacher) meeting for two consecutive periods in the Marist schedule in Connolly Lecture Hall in Ivy Street Center. The goal of the course is to teach the American civilization “as an interdisciplinary field of scholarship that examines American history, society, and culture.”

    This course fulfills the 10th grade English graduation requirement.

    Prerequisite: Permission of the instructors. Students must submit an application and writing sample.
  • British Literature and Composition (EN501: Grade 11)

    The British Literature course introduces students to literature that spans from the Elizabethan era to the 20th century. High points include the discussion of Romantic, Victorian, Existential, and Modernist works while encompassing authors throughout the United Kingdom. In addition to studying the literature of these cultures, students will be introduced to important historical background regarding their readings. Through a selection of novels, plays, short stories, poetry, and critical articles, students will develop skills towards interpreting literature through close, analytical reading. All three terms emphasize discussion, presentation of ideas, and writing, including analytical, personal, and research papers.

    AP English Literature and Composition (EN901) may be taken as an alternative.
  • AP English Literature and Composition (EN901: Grade 11)

    This is an advanced three-term course in literary analysis and interpretation. The class is conducted as a seminar, with reading and discussion based on dramas, novels, poetry, and Advanced Placement (AP) Examinations. Numerous short in-class essays and longer out-of-class essays are required, with the goal of mastering writing and literary analytical skills necessary for college work in preparation for the AP Exam in May (fee to be announced annually).

    This course fulfills the 11th grade English graduation requirements.

    Application and teacher approval are required.
  • World Literature and Composition (EN601: Grade 12)

    The World Literature and Composition course introduces students to literature written in languages other than English and to literature written in English but which explores cultural traditions other than American, British, or Western European. In addition to studying the literature of a culture, students will be introduced to important historical background and/or current events regarding that culture. Through a selection of novels, memoirs, poetry, and non-fiction, students will focus on a theme and culture cluster each term. All three terms emphasize discussion, presentation, development of student voice, and college-level writing, including analytical and personal essays.

    AP English Language (EN904) may be taken as an alternative.
  • AP English Language and Composition (EN904: Grade 12)

    This is an advanced three-term course which focuses on close reading and writing from a variety of periods, disciplines, and contexts. Texts will include, but are not limited to, fiction, non-fiction, media, and internet sources. Students will become more analytical readers and writers who compose for a variety of purposes and audiences. The course will emphasize expository, analytical, and argumentative writing that forms the basis of academic, professional communication as well as personal and reflective writing. This course will prepare students for college-level writing and analysis and the AP Exam in May (fee to be announced annually).

    This course fulfills the 12th grade English graduation requirements.

    Prerequisite: Application and teacher approval are required.
  • Broadcast Journalism (EN355: Grades 9-12)

    This course offers students the opportunity to collaborate in teams to imagine, plan, implement, and produce news broadcasts and features. Using texts from the profession of broadcasting as a guide, the class will embrace a project-based learning approach that will require students to engage with and demonstrate creativity, technological skill, writing, public speaking, listening, and peer critique. The work in class will be driven by student choice and self-direction. The teacher will act as a coach, reading, watching, and listening to works in progress and providing feedback to students individually and in groups. The term will begin by assessing and learning to use Marist’s broadcasting equipment through small, experimental “workshop” projects and move on as appropriate toward longer and possibly more regular pieces. Willingness to serve as a leader in one of many different capacities for the student broadcast journalism club throughout Terms 2 and 3 is required.
  • Sports Broadcasting (EN365: Grades 9-12)

    This one-term elective, distinct from Broadcast Journalism, focuses on the particular skills necessary to report and produce sports-related media content effectively. Students will learn to broadcast live sporting events, produce studio shows, and create web content by rotating through a variety of experiences. These include researching games, writing scripts, conducting interviews, anchoring on-air, creating graphics, editing hype videos, producing podcasts, and promoting work on various social media platforms.
  • Broadcast Journalism II, III, IV (EN360, EN370, EN375: Grades 9-12)

    In these courses, students will plan, research, write, produce, and execute a weekly Marist TV show, covering campus news, sports, and other student activities. Participants will be immersed in a traditional newsroom environment and will be given specific roles to create a weekly Marist TV show (students will receive training and feedback in these roles). Student journalists will learn media skills to produce stories as unbiased journalists, which inform and serve their community. Student journalists will be expected to produce content appropriate for the entire Marist School student body.

    The teacher serves as an executive editor, sharing ground rules for proper engagement, enforcing journalistic responsibilities, and giving final clearance for publication. Students drive editorial content, serving as researchers, writers, producers, editors, anchors, reporters, and control room staff members. Students will receive industry standard instruction for all roles and be graded on their performance in these roles, meeting deadlines and how they interact with their newsroom colleagues.

    Prerequisite: Successful completion of Broadcast Journalism I (EN355), Sports Broadcasting (EN365), or permission of the instructor is required.
  • Creative Writing (EN441: Grades 9-12)

    This course is designed to allow students to explore their own writing and published writing in diverse genres, including, but not limited to, poetry, song writing, short fiction, personal narrative, non-fiction, and screenwriting. Students will create, share, and critique with empathy and vigor, working in writing workshops, with the instructor and the class as a whole. A major goal for the course is to thoughtfully consider what makes writing good, or effective, and to develop and refine personal work. Work is expected to be submitted to Marist’s award-winning literary magazine, Rapier.
  • Advanced Creative Writing (EN442: Grades 10-12)

    This course is designed to build upon skills learned in Introduction to Creative Writing. Students will discuss, read, and write in diverse genres, including, but not limited to, poetry, song writing, short fiction, personal narrative, non-fiction, screenwriting, and interviewing. Students will create, share, and critique with empathy and vigor, working in writing workshops, with the instructor and the class as a whole as they have done in Introduction to Creative Writing. A major goal for the course is to create a portfolio with selected polished works and to become published in Marist’s award-winning literary magazine, Rapier.

    Prerequisite: Creative Writing (EN441)
  • Yearbook (EN444: Grades 9-12)

    Students in the yearbook course are the leaders, decision-makers, and creators on the yearbook staff of Marist School. In a word, they are the school’s historians. They will gain skills in page design, advanced publishing techniques, copywriting, editing, and photography while producing a creative, innovative yearbook which records the pictorial history of the campus activities for the present school year. Participants gain useful, real-world skills in time management, teamwork, and design principles. A two- or three-term commitment is required. Leadership opportunities are available to juniors and seniors on the staff.

    Prerequisite: Permission of the yearbook moderator
  • Journalism (EN448: Grades 9-12)

    Journalism is a term-long course designed to teach students the basic concepts of reporting and non-fiction writing. Students will encounter various article formats and work towards developing their voice using various journalistic writing styles. They will discuss journalistic ethics and think critically about bias in reporting. Voice, tone, syntax, vocabulary, structure, and editing techniques will all be addressed in a writing workshop atmosphere. Students will improve their basic journalism skills of reporting, writing, interviewing, editing, design, and production through the practical experience of writing journalistic stories. This course is meant to prepare students to write for and potentially publish in the Blue and Gold newspaper.

    This course may be taken only once.
  • Documentary Cinema (EN540: Grades 11-12)

    This course introduces students to documentary cinema as a unique mode of filmmaking, one that claims a special relationship to reality and truth. Through weekly in-class screenings, readings, and discussion, students will examine a variety of documentary approaches, such as expository, essayistic, observational, and participatory, and debate the artistic and ethical questions of the form.
  • Public Speaking (EN541: Grades 11-12)

    This one-term course takes a modern approach to teaching fundamental elements of communication and speaking through the analysis of communication in popular culture in the 21st century. The goal of the course is to give students the necessary tools to be better communicators, presenters, and citizens. Students will give informative speeches (about their favorite movies, demonstrating their hobbies, etc.), research-based speeches (based largely on popular television shows or popular podcasts), and persuasive speeches (debunking conspiracy theories to uncovering media biases in our current news). 
  • Contemporary African American Literature (EN550: Grades 11-12)

    The course will consciously build on the students’ reading in sophomore and junior years, particularly in American Literature and AP Literature while also drawing on conversations and issues that have been brought up through Mosaic and are important to Marist’s Office of Inclusion & Diversity. Students will be exposed to literature from a range of literary genres and will, as available, take advantage of opportunities to hear African American writers who may come to read or speak in Atlanta during the course of the term. Projects and assessments in the course will include discussion, written reflections, and projects aimed at integrating the texts under consideration with the Marist campus and wider community, specifically with the hope of building a more just and inclusive environment with respect to racial understanding.
  • Film Analysis (EN655: Grades 11-12)

    This one-term course will introduce students to the basics of film aesthetics, including mise en scène, cinematography, editing, narrative form, sound, lighting, and genre. Balancing the focus on technical elements with broader frameworks, this course will also consider various critical, theoretical, ideological, and historical approaches to film studies and to the practice of writing about film. The course analyzes visual language and film style, cinematic codes, and the ways that the motion picture can embody or criticize popular ideas and attitudes. Emphasis is on film analysis, film in relation to the other arts and mass media, films as artifacts, and understanding the ways that films are put together and how they convey meaning. Students will read, write, and research about films, directors, and styles. 

English Department

List of 16 members.

  • Photo of Shannon Juhan

    Ms. Shannon Juhan  

    English Department Chair
  • Photo of Riddick Beebe

    Mr. Riddick Beebe 

  • Photo of Christine Bhasin

    Dr. Christine Bhasin 

  • Photo of Michael Burns

    Mr. Michael Burns 

  • Photo of Michael Carroll

    Mr. Michael Carroll 

  • Photo of Shannon Hipp

    Dr. Shannon Hipp 94

    English Teacher
  • Photo of Marie Ksionzyk

    Ms. Marie Ksionzyk 

  • Photo of Leah Longoria

    Mrs. Leah Weiland Longoria 05

  • Photo of Matthew McMurray

    Mr. Matthew McMurray 12

  • Photo of Victoria Nagle

    Mrs. Victoria Lewis Nagle 11

  • Photo of Brian O'Connor

    Mr. Brian O'Connor 

  • Photo of Ralph Olek, S.M.

    Fr. Ralph Olek, S.M.   

  • Photo of Gina Parnaby

    Ms. Gina Parnaby 

  • Photo of Jeff Rumiano

    Dr. Jeff Rumiano 

  • Photo of Robert Shaw-Smith

    Mr. Robert Shaw-Smith 

  • Photo of Scott Tufts

    Mr. Scott Tufts 

    Media & Broadcast Teacher, MBC Moderator

Marist School

3790 Ashford Dunwoody Road, NE
Atlanta, GA 30319-1899
(770) 457-7201
An Independent Catholic School of the Marist Fathers and Brothers